Bamboo and wood chopsticks refer to common dining tools made mainly of bamboo and wood materials and processed through simple processes such as cutting. They have the advantages of hard material, delicate structure, and reusability, and are widely used. When choosing and using bamboo and wood chopsticks, in addition to paying attention to issues such as improper storage that can lead to mold growth, surface burrs, and sharp edges at the junction, the following issues should also be noted:

Shopping tips

  • 1. Choose genuine products. You should choose compliant products produced by legitimate manufacturers, and focus on checking whether the product labels or instructions are complete, and whether the content (including product name, material, safety standards met, manufacturer’s name, address and contact information, production date and use date, etc.) is complete.
  • 2. Look at the appearance. When choosing, one should carefully observe and choose bamboo and wood chopsticks that are of appropriate length, free from bending, deformation, burrs, mold, and have a clean surface.
  • 3. Smell the odor. Smell the smell of chopsticks and purchase bamboo and wood chopsticks that have no sulfur or paint odor.
  • 4. Identify materials. Suggest purchasing unpainted natural bamboo and wood chopsticks. Painted bamboo and wood chopsticks pose a risk of surface paint detachment. The peeling of paint on chopsticks may cause heavy metals and chemicals to enter the human body during meals, creating health hazards.

Bamboo tableware

Usage Tips

  • 1. Use the correct cleaning method. When cleaning, it is important to avoid using hard objects such as steel wire balls to forcefully wipe, as this can cause scratches on the surface, which can easily lead to microbial residue. Do not soak in boiling water, alkaline detergent, or chlorine bleach for a long time.
  • 2. Storage should be scientific. After washing, the chopsticks should be thoroughly dried in a dry place before being stored uniformly. When storing, place the small end of the chopsticks that come into contact with the food upwards to prevent them from getting damp and moldy at the bottom of the chopstick barrel.
    3. It should be replaced regularly. Bamboo and wood chopsticks can become rough on the surface after prolonged use, making it easy for bacteria to remain. Based on the frequency of use, it is recommended to replace reusable bamboo and wood chopsticks every 3-6 months.
  • 4. Avoid reusing disposable chopsticks. Disposable chopsticks have a rough texture and are difficult to clean after use, making them prone to dirt and accumulation. It is recommended that consumers do not use them repeatedly.
  • 5. You can add an appropriate amount of table salt to hot water, stir well, soak the moldy chopsticks in it for a few minutes, then remove the chopsticks from the water, cut some ginger slices, and repeatedly wipe the moldy chopsticks with ginger slices to remove the mold spots. Then, rinse with hot water and expose them to the sun for a few minutes.